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Transformational Reconstruction By Shingo Sato Pdf Numismatici Storyboa

September 10, 2022

Transformational Reconstruction By Shingo Sato Pdf Numismatici Storyboa

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Transformational Reconstruction By Shingo Sato Pdf Numismatici Storyboa


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Yesterday, EurekAlert reported that the Russian meteor, that caused damage in several countries, was a fragment of an asteroid that was estimated to be around 700 meters in diameter, which would be bigger than the Chelyabinsk asteroid that caused damage just five years ago. Now, a new radar image from the University of Southern Queensland, confirms the idea that this Russian meteor was an asteroid fragment that contained about 500 to 700 kilograms of carbon, and other material. This amounts to some 10 to 20 times the mass of the Chelyabinsk asteroid!

“Cometogenic” events occur when a small meteoroid, released from the main body of an asteroid, hit the ground at a speed of about 20 to 50 km/s. If the size of the asteroid is more than a kilometer, the result is a meteor shower and the meteor that is formed will be much larger than a grain of sand. The Chelyabinsk asteroid, that hit Russia in 2013, was estimated to be about 30 meters in diameter, and was created by a comet whose debris had exploded, in the distant past, and had left a continuous stream of debris flowing into the Earth’s orbit. Yesterday’s Russian meteor, released by a comet that had left a similar stream of debris, was 1000 times larger than the Chelyabinsk asteroid.

When asteroids like the one in the picture above strike the ground, the fragments disintegrate and some of the material will be left behind. The radar image from the University of Southern Queensland, and just published in Nature Geoscience, shows that the Russian meteor was much bigger than a meteoroid released by a comet. The resulting meteor had a diameter of about 7.5 kilometers, and a mass of about 500-700 kilograms, much more than the 100 kilograms estimated for the Chelyabinsk asteroid.

“This is part of the existing record of these sorts of events. If this had been a comet, we’d be able to find it on the images we’ve already taken, but this was too large to have been detected yet, at least before yesterday’s impact,” said Professor David

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