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Zygor Guide Cracked Free Versionl WORK

November 22, 2022


Zygor Guide Cracked Free Versionl

the guides are good, but when you first start killing you need to be patient and open your brain so you don’t get ganked or lose your soul. the guide could be better. still good tips though and the guide is awesome! i’ve used it for a ton of things. keep up the good work.

this is a pretty good guide, but this guide is extremely obsolete. the expansion is old, and the questing system is changed completely. the questing is completely different in 5.1. i actually suggest using image’s p4r guide instead.

the guides are good, but the guide seems outdated as it guides you to areas where there is only 1 or 2 quests and it will be one of the few quests you are able to do with no time or effort. the guide also suggests items that can be collected where i found no gem or no mount that went with the item. a simple link to where you would have to get the items needed to finish the guide would be better.

this is a fantastic guide, and this guide should be included in any azeroth guide, as it gives a decent overview of the expansion’s content, and will be useful to those who don’t mind reading (all the best guides have readability requirements though). i highly recommend this guide.

i’ve been using your guide a lot lately and i love it. it’s really well put together and it has some good tips. to me i think it would be even better if you added some of the offers from the vendor (the greens), you mentioned them but it would definitely be even more useful if you added them in. i think there’s a lot of people that are going to like your guide.

i think that is very helpful. i would suggest adding something that “you cannot make your xp/hour”. you may need a tool that will keep track of that for you. i would also add something about 4 piece mail. another thing is maybe something about enchanting, like this: “your enchanting level is mh, or moderate. if you have the appropriate gear, you will be able to reach nc, or normal, in a single gemming run.” and then maybe adding a tip about mastery, or if you have an addon that will tell you that, just put in a tip about it.

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