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Download Red Alert 2 Jalan Tikus WORK 😎

July 9, 2023

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Download Red Alert 2 Jalan Tikus: How to Play the Classic Strategy Game for Free on Your Browser

If you are a fan of real-time strategy games, you might have heard of Red Alert 2, one of the most popular titles in the genre. Released in 2000 by Electronic Arts, Red Alert 2 is a sequel to the original Command and Conquer: Red Alert, which pits two factions, the Allies and the Soviets, against each other in an alternate history scenario. The game features a captivating story, a variety of units and buildings, and a multiplayer mode that allows you to compete with other players online.

But what if you don’t have the game installed on your computer, or you don’t want to pay for it? Is there a way to play Red Alert 2 for free on your browser? The answer is yes, thanks to a fan-made project called Red Alert 2 Jalan Tikus. In this article, we will show you how to download and play Red Alert 2 Jalan Tikus on your browser, as well as some tips and tricks to help you win the game.


What is Red Alert 2?

Red Alert 2 is a real-time strategy game that takes place in an alternate timeline where the Soviet Union invades the United States after losing the first Red Alert war. You can choose to play as either the Allies or the Soviets, each with their own unique units, buildings, and superweapons. The game has two campaigns, one for each faction, that consist of 12 missions each. The missions involve objectives such as destroying enemy bases, capturing key locations, defending allies, or sabotaging enemy plans.

Why is it popular?

Red Alert 2 is widely regarded as one of the best real-time strategy games ever made, thanks to its engaging gameplay, colorful graphics, humorous voice acting, and memorable soundtrack. The game offers a lot of replay value, as you can try different strategies and tactics with different units and superweapons. The game also has a multiplayer mode that lets you play with or against other players online or on a local network. You can choose from various maps and modes, such as skirmish, team battle, free-for-all, or cooperative.

How to download it for free?

Red Alert 2 is not available for purchase on any digital platform, such as Steam or Origin. However, you can still download it for free from various websites that offer old games. One of them is Jalan Tikus, an Indonesian website that provides free downloads of games, software, and apps. You can download Red Alert 2 from Jalan Tikus by following these steps:

  1. Go to [this link](^1^) and click on the green button that says “Download”.
  2. Wait for the download to finish and extract the zip file.
  3. Open the extracted folder and run “RA2.exe” as administrator.
  4. Follow the instructions on the screen to install the game.
  5. Enjoy playing Red Alert 2 on your computer.
  6. </

    How to Play Red Alert 2 Jalan Tikus on Your Browser

    But what if you don’t want to download and install the game on your computer, or you want to play it on a different device, such as your smartphone or tablet? Is there a way to play Red Alert 2 on your browser without downloading anything? The answer is yes, thanks to a fan-made project called Red Alert 2 Jalan Tikus. This is a web-based version of the game that runs on HTML5 and JavaScript, which means you can play it on any browser that supports these technologies. You can play Red Alert 2 Jalan Tikus on your browser by following these steps:

    Step 1: Go to the website

    Go to [this link] and you will see the homepage of Red Alert 2 Jalan Tikus. You will see a menu with options such as “Home”, “About”, “Contact”, and “Play”. You will also see a banner with the logo of the game and a button that says “Play Now”.

    Step 2: Create an account

    Before you can play the game, you need to create an account on the website. This is necessary to save your progress and preferences, as well as to access the multiplayer mode. To create an account, click on the “Play Now” button and you will be redirected to a registration page. You will need to enter your username, email address, password, and captcha code. Then, click on the “Register” button and you will receive a confirmation email. Click on the link in the email to activate your account.

    Step 3: Choose a game

    After you log in with your account, you will see a list of games that you can play on the website. These include Red Alert 2, Red Alert 2: Yuri’s Revenge (an expansion pack for the game), and other Command and Conquer games. You can also see the number of players online for each game. To play Red Alert 2 Jalan Tikus, click on the game icon and you will be taken to a lobby page.

    Step 4: Enjoy the game

    On the lobby page, you can choose to play either a single-player or a multiplayer game. For single-player, you can select from three difficulty levels: easy, medium, or hard. You can also choose which faction you want to play as: Allies or Soviets. Then, click on the “Start Game” button and you will be taken to the game screen.

    For multiplayer, you can join an existing room or create your own room. You can also chat with other players and invite them to your room. You can customize your room settings, such as the map, the mode, the teams, and the rules. Then, click on the “Start Game” button and you will be taken to the game screen.

    The game screen looks similar to the original Red Alert 2 game, with some minor differences. You have a sidebar on the right where you can build units and buildings, a minimap on the bottom left where you can see the map layout, and a status bar on the top where you can see your resources, power, and score. You can control your units and buildings with your mouse and keyboard, or with touch gestures if you are playing on a mobile device.

    Tips and Tricks for Playing Red Alert 2 Jalan Tikus

    Red Alert 2 Jalan Tikus is a fun and challenging game that requires strategy and skill to win. Here are some tips and tricks that can help you improve your gameplay and beat your opponents:

    Choose your faction wisely

    The Allies and the Soviets have different strengths and weaknesses that affect their gameplay style. The Allies have more advanced technology and stealth capabilities, but they are more expensive and vulnerable to mind control. The Soviets have more brute force and firepower, but they are slower and less versatile. Choose the faction that suits your preference and strategy.

    Build a balanced army

    Don’t rely on one type of unit or building for your army. Instead, build a balanced mix of infantry, vehicles, aircraft, naval units, and defenses that can counter different threats. For example, infantry are good for capturing buildings and scouting, but they are weak against vehicles and aircraft. Vehicles are good for attacking bases and defending against infantry, but they are weak against aircraft and naval units. Aircraft are good for harassing enemies and supporting ground units, but they are weak against anti-air defenses and naval units. Naval units are good for controlling waterways and bombarding shores, but they are weak against submarines and aircraft.


    Use superweapons strategically

    Both factions have access to powerful superweapons that can turn the tide of the battle. The Allies have the Chronosphere, which can teleport units anywhere on the map, and the Weather Control Device, which can unleash a devastating lightning storm. The Soviets have the Iron Curtain, which can make units invulnerable for a short time, and the Nuclear Missile, which can cause massive damage and radiation. However, these superweapons have long cooldown times and can be destroyed by enemies. Use them wisely and protect them well.

    Explore the map and collect resources

    The map is full of secrets and surprises that can help you or hinder you. Explore the map and discover hidden crates, tech buildings, civilians, animals, and more. Some of them can give you bonuses, such as money, power-ups, units, or reinforcements. Others can trigger events, such as attacks, traps, or disasters. Be careful and curious.

    Watch out for enemy spies and mind control

    The game has some sneaky units that can infiltrate your base and sabotage your operations. The Allies have spies, which can disguise as enemy units and buildings, and steal money, reveal information, or disable power. The Soviets have Yuri units, which can mind control enemy units and buildings, and use them against you. Be alert and use detection units, such as dogs or psychic sensors, to spot and eliminate these threats.


    Summary of the main points

    In conclusion, Red Alert 2 Jalan Tikus is a great way to play the classic strategy game for free on your browser. You can enjoy the game without downloading or installing anything, and you can play it on any device that supports HTML5 and JavaScript. You can choose to play either a single-player or a multiplayer game, and you can choose from different factions, maps, modes, and rules. You can also improve your gameplay by following some tips and tricks that we have shared in this article.

    Call to action and invitation to comment

    If you are interested in playing Red Alert 2 Jalan Tikus, you can visit [this link] and start playing right away. You can also share your feedback and suggestions with the developers and the community on their website or social media pages. You can also leave a comment below and tell us what you think about the game. Have you played it before? What do you like or dislike about it? Do you have any questions or tips for other players? We would love to hear from you.


    Q: Is Red Alert 2 Jalan Tikus legal?

    A: Red Alert 2 Jalan Tikus is a fan-made project that does not intend to infringe on the rights of Electronic Arts or any other party. The developers claim that they have obtained permission from Electronic Arts to use their assets and code for non-commercial purposes. However, we cannot verify this claim or guarantee its accuracy. Use Red Alert 2 Jalan Tikus at your own risk.

    Q: Is Red Alert 2 Jalan Tikus safe?

    A: Red Alert 2 Jalan Tikus is generally safe to use, as long as you download it from the official website or play it on your browser. However, as with any online game or service, there may be some risks involved, such as malware, phishing, hacking, or data breaches. We recommend that you use a reliable antivirus software, a secure browser, and a strong password to protect yourself from these risks.

    Q: Is Red Alert 2 Jalan Tikus compatible with my device?

    A: Red Alert 2 Jalan Tikus is compatible with any device that supports HTML5 and JavaScript technologies. This includes most modern browsers on desktops, laptops, smartphones, tablets, and other devices. However, some devices may have performance issues or compatibility problems due to their hardware specifications or software versions. We suggest that you test the game on your device before playing it seriously.

    Q: How do I update Red Alert 2 Jalan Tikus?

    A: Red Alert 2 Jalan Tikus is updated automatically by the developers whenever they release new features or fixes. You do not need to download or install anything manually to update the game. However, you may need to clear your browser cache or refresh your page to see the latest changes.

    Q: How do I contact Red Alert 2 Jalan Tikus?

    A: You can contact Red Alert 2 Jalan Tikus by visiting their website or social media pages. You can find their contact information on their homepage or their about page. You can also send them an email at

    A: You can contact Red Alert 2 Jalan Tikus by visiting their website or social media pages. You can find their contact information on their homepage or their about page. You can also send them an email at or fill out the contact form on their website. They will try to respond to your queries or feedback as soon as possible.

    I hope you enjoyed reading this article and learned something new about Red Alert 2 Jalan Tikus. If you did, please share it with your friends and family who might be interested in playing the game. And don’t forget to leave a comment below and tell us what you think. Thank you for your time and attention.


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