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Asphalt 9 Legends Download For Windows 7 !!HOT!!

July 9, 2023

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Asphalt 9 Legends: A Guide to Download and Play on Windows 7

If you are a fan of high-octane racing games, you might have heard of Asphalt 9 Legends, the latest entry in the popular mobile arcade racing series by Gameloft. This game features over 50 amazing cars from world-renowned manufacturers, stunning graphics, thrilling gameplay, and a variety of modes and events to keep you entertained. But did you know that you can also play Asphalt 9 Legends on your Windows 7 PC? In this article, we will show you how to download and play Asphalt 9 Legends on Windows 7 using Bluestacks, an Android emulator that lets you run mobile games on your PC. We will also give you some tips and tricks to help you become a racing legend in no time.

How to Download Asphalt 9 Legends on Windows 7

Downloading Asphalt 9 Legends on Windows 7 is easy if you follow these steps:

  1. Install Bluestacks on your PC. Bluestacks is a free software that allows you to run Android apps and games on your PC. You can download it from [10]( Make sure you have a stable internet connection and enough space on your hard drive. Once you have downloaded the installer, run it and follow the instructions to install Bluestacks on your PC.
  2. Launch Bluestacks and search for Asphalt 9 Legends in the Google Play Store. After installing Bluestacks, launch it from your desktop or start menu. You will see a home screen with some pre-installed apps. Click on the Google Play Store icon to open it. You will need to sign in with your Google account or create one if you don’t have one. Once you are in the Google Play Store, type “Asphalt 9 Legends” in the search bar and hit enter. You will see the game icon with a blue background and a yellow “A” logo.
  3. Install Asphalt 9 Legends and open it from the Bluestacks home screen. Click on the game icon and then click on the green “Install” button. Wait for the game to download and install on your PC. It may take some time depending on your internet speed and PC performance. Once the game is installed, you can open it from the Bluestacks home screen by clicking on its icon. You will see a loading screen with the game logo and some tips and tricks. You can skip the intro video by tapping on the screen.

How to Play Asphalt 9 Legends on Windows 7

Playing Asphalt 9 Legends on Windows 7 is fun and easy if you follow these steps:

  1. Choose your control style and customize your settings. When you launch the game for the first time, you will be asked to choose your control style. You can choose between TouchDrive, which is a simplified control system that lets you focus on the racing action, or Manual, which gives you full control over your steering, acceleration, and braking. You can also customize your keyboard or mouse settings to suit your preferences. You can change your control style and settings anytime from the options menu.
  2. Complete the tutorial and start your career mode. The game will guide you through a tutorial that will teach you the basics of the game, such as how to use nitro, drift, spin, and knockdown. You will also get to choose your first car from a selection of three. After completing the tutorial, you can start your career mode, which is the main mode of the game. In career mode, you will race in different seasons, each with its own theme, challenges, and rewards. You will need to collect flags by completing races and events to unlock new seasons and cars.
  3. Collect flags, cars, and rewards by racing in different modes and events. As you progress in career mode, you will unlock new modes and events that will test your skills and offer you more rewards. Some of the modes and events are:
    • Classic: A standard race where you compete against seven other racers to reach the finish line first.
    • Hunted: A chase mode where you have to escape from the police while avoiding obstacles and traps.
    • Time Attack: A solo mode where you have to beat a target time on a specific track.
    • Slipstream: A team mode where you have to follow your teammates’ trails to gain speed and overtake your opponents.
    • Infection: A survival mode where you have to avoid getting infected by other racers or by hitting obstacles.
    • Daily Events: Special events that change every day and offer exclusive rewards.
    • Limited-Time Events: Special events that last for a limited period of time and feature special cars and game modes.

Asphalt 9 Legends Game Features

Asphalt 9 Legends is not just a racing game, it’s a racing experience. Here are some of the features that make this game stand out from the rest:

Legendary cars to collect and customize

The game features over 50 cars from top manufacturers such as Ferrari, Lamborghini, Porsche, Bugatti, and more. Each car has its own stats, class, rank, and rarity. You can upgrade your cars by using blueprints and cards that you can obtain from races, events, or packs. You can also customize your cars by changing their color, rims, decals, and nitro effects. You can even create your own custom car collection by using the garage feature.

Breathtaking tracks in real-life locations

The game takes you to some of the most stunning locations around the world, such as San Francisco, Rome, Cairo, Shanghai, Himalayas, and more. Each location has its own unique tracks that feature different terrains, weather conditions, shortcuts, ramps, nitro zones, and obstacles. You can explore these tracks in different modes and events or in free roam mode.

Single and multiplayer modes with clubs and leaderboards

The game offers both single-player and multiplayer modes for you to enjoy. In single-player mode, you can play career mode or daily events. In multiplayer mode, you can join or create a club with other players and cooperate with them to earn club reputation points and rewards. You can also compete against other players in ranked or casual races and climb up the leaderboards. You can also chat with other players in the club chat or global chat.

Events and rewards with special cars and game modes

The game constantly updates with new events and rewards that keep the game fresh and exciting. Some of the events are:

  • Daily Car Loot: An event that lets you win blueprints for a specific car every day.
  • Daily Tasks: A set of tasks that give you tokens and credits every day.
  • Daily Login Rewards:): A series of rewards that you get for logging in every day.
  • Special Events: Time-limited events that feature special cars and game modes that you can unlock by completing certain tasks.
  • Grand Prix: Competitive events that pit you against other players in a series of races with specific rules and conditions.

Ultimate racing controls with TouchDrive or manual options

The game gives you the option to choose between two control styles: TouchDrive or manual. TouchDrive is a simplified control system that lets you focus on the racing action. You only need to swipe left or right to change lanes, tap to use nitro, and swipe up or down to perform stunts. The game will automatically steer, accelerate, and brake for you. Manual is a full control system that gives you complete control over your steering, acceleration, and braking. You can use the keyboard or mouse to control your car. You can also customize your control settings to suit your preferences.

Asphalt 9 Legends Tips and Tricks

Asphalt 9 Legends is a fun and addictive game, but it can also be challenging and competitive. Here are some tips and tricks to help you improve your skills and enjoy the game more:

Master Nitro usage and timing

Nitro is your best friend in Asphalt 9 Legends. It gives you a speed boost that can help you overtake your opponents, escape from the police, or perform stunts. There are three types of nitro: blue, orange, and purple. Blue nitro is the basic nitro that fills up as you race. Orange nitro is the shockwave nitro that fills up when you perform stunts or knockdowns. Purple nitro is the perfect nitro that fills up when you time your nitro usage correctly. You can activate nitro by tapping on the screen or pressing the space bar. You can also double-tap or double-press to activate shockwave nitro or perfect nitro. The trick is to use nitro wisely and time it well. For example, you can use nitro before a ramp to gain more air time, or before a curve to drift better, or before a straight to gain more speed.

Upgrade your cars and use the best ones for each race

Asphalt 9 Legends features over 50 cars that belong to different classes, ranks, and rarities. Each car has its own stats, such as top speed, acceleration, handling, and nitro. You can upgrade your cars by using blueprints and cards that you can obtain from races, events, or packs. Upgrading your cars will improve their stats and rank them up. You can also customize your cars by changing their color, rims, decals, and nitro effects. You should always try to use the best car for each race, depending on the track, mode, and requirements. You can check the recommended rank and class for each race before starting it. You can also compare your cars’ stats and performance by using the garage feature.

Drift, spin, and knockdown your opponents to gain an edge

Asphalt 9 Legends is not just about speed, it’s also about style and skill. You can perform various stunts and maneuvers that will make you look cool and give you an advantage in the race. Some of these are:

  • Drift: Drifting is sliding your car sideways around a curve. It helps you maintain your speed while turning and also fills up your nitro bar. You can drift by tapping on the brake button or pressing the down arrow key.
  • Spin: Spinning is rotating your car 360 degrees in mid-air. It helps you avoid obstacles or knockdown your opponents and also fills up your nitro bar. You can spin by swiping left or right on the screen or pressing the left or right arrow keys while in the air.
  • Knockdown: Knockdown is crashing into another car and making it lose control or explode. It helps you eliminate your rivals and also fills up your shockwave nitro bar. You can knockdown by hitting another car from behind, from the side, or from above.

Use shortcuts, ramps, and nitro zones to boost your speed

The tracks in Asphalt 9 Legends are full of surprises and opportunities that can help you gain more speed and distance from your opponents. Some of these are:

  • Shortcuts: Shortcuts are alternative routes that are usually hidden or hard to access. They can help you save time or avoid traffic by taking a shorter or faster path. You can find shortcuts by looking for gaps, tunnels, bridges, or signs that indicate a different way. You can also use ramps or nitro to jump over obstacles and access shortcuts.
  • Ramps: Ramps are inclined surfaces that launch your car into the air. They can help you avoid obstacles, perform stunts, or reach shortcuts. You can find ramps by looking for yellow arrows, wooden planks, or metal structures. You can also use nitro to boost your jump and gain more height and distance.
  • Nitro zones: Nitro zones are blue strips on the ground that fill up your nitro bar when you drive over them. They can help you gain more speed and perform more stunts. You can find nitro zones by looking for blue lights, sparks, or flames. You can also use shockwave nitro to create your own nitro zones and share them with your teammates.


Asphalt 9 Legends is a game that will keep you hooked for hours with its amazing graphics, gameplay, and features. Whether you want to play solo or with friends, you will always find something new and exciting to do in this game. And the best part is, you can play it on your Windows 7 PC using Bluestacks, an Android emulator that lets you run mobile games on your PC. So what are you waiting for? Download Asphalt 9 Legends on Windows 7 today and start your journey to become a racing legend!


Here are some of the frequently asked questions about Asphalt 9 Legends and their answers:

Q: How much space does Asphalt 9 Legends take on Windows 7?

A: Asphalt 9 Legends takes about 2.5 GB of space on Windows 7. However, you may need more space for updates and additional content.

Q: Can I play Asphalt 9 Legends offline on Windows 7?

A: Yes, you can play Asphalt 9 Legends offline on Windows 7. However, you will need an internet connection to download the game, update it, access some features, and sync your progress.

Q: Can I transfer my progress from my mobile device to my Windows 7 PC?

A: Yes, you can transfer your progress from your mobile device to your Windows 7 PC. You will need to link your game account to your Facebook account on both devices and then sync your data.

Q: How can I get more blueprints and cards to upgrade my cars?

A: You can get more blueprints and cards to upgrade your cars by completing races and events, opening packs, participating in daily car loot, or buying them with tokens or credits.

Q: How can I get more tokens and credits to buy packs and cars?

A: You can get more tokens and credits by completing races and events, opening packs, completing daily tasks and login rewards, participating in special events and grand prix, or buying them with real money.


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