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Brawl Stars Update 2022 Apk 💡

July 9, 2023


Brawl Stars Update 2022 APK: Everything You Need to Know

If you’re a fan of fast-paced multiplayer games with different modes and characters, you’ve probably heard of Brawl Stars. It’s a popular game developed by Supercell, the makers of Clash of Clans and Clash Royale. It’s available for free on Android and iOS devices, and it has millions of players worldwide.

Brawl Stars is constantly evolving with new updates that bring new features, brawlers, modes, maps and more. The latest update is Brawl Stars Update 2022 APK, which was released in May 2022. This update has a lot of exciting things to offer, so let’s take a look at what’s new in Brawl Stars Update 2022 APK.

What is Brawl Stars?

A fast-paced multiplayer game with different modes and characters

Brawl Stars is a game where you can team up with your friends or play solo across a variety of game modes in under three minutes. You can choose from over 20 brawlers, each with a unique personality, style, attack and super ability. You can also customize your brawlers with unlockable skins.

Developed by Supercell, the makers of Clash of Clans and Clash Royale

Brawl Stars is developed by Supercell, a Finnish mobile game company that is known for creating some of the most popular games in the world. Supercell has also created Clash of Clans, Clash Royale, Boom Beach and Hay Day. Supercell is known for its high-quality graphics, gameplay and community support.

Available for free on Android and iOS devices

Brawl Stars is free to download and play on Android and iOS devices. However, some game items can also be purchased for real money. If you don’t want to use this feature, you can disable in-app purchases in your device settings. You can also earn gems, coins and other rewards by playing the game and completing quests.

What’s new in Brawl Stars Update 2022 APK?

New Chromatic Brawler: Janet, a damage dealer who rules the skies

The Brawl Stars Update 2022 APK introduces a new Chromatic Brawler, Janet. She is a pilot who loves to fly high and rain down bombs on her enemies. Her main attack is Sky Bombs, where she throws three bombs that explode after a short delay. Her super ability is Jetpack, where she flies over obstacles and gains increased movement speed and reload speed. Her star powers are Air Strike, where her bombs deal more damage the farther they travel, and Fuel Tank, where she gains a shield while using her super. Her gadget is Parachute, where she deploys a parachute that slows down her fall and reduces damage taken.

New Epic Brawler: Bonnie, a hybrid who uses her cannon Clyde

The Brawl Stars Update 2022 APK also brings a new Epic Brawler, Bonnie. She is a hybrid who can switch between melee and ranged attacks with her cannon Clyde. Her main attack is Cannonball, where she fires a cannonball that deals splash damage. Her super ability is Switcheroo, where she swaps places with Clyde and changes her attack mode. In melee mode, she swings Clyde as a club that deals high damage and knocks back enemies. In ranged mode, she shoots cannonballs that pierce through enemies and bounce off walls. Her star powers are Double Trouble, where she fires two cannonballs in ranged mode, and Heavy Hitter, where she stuns enemies with her melee attack. Her gadget is Cannon Fodder, where she launches Clyde forward as a projectile that explodes on impact.

New Seasonal Game Mode: Bot Drop, a PvEvP mode where you have to collect and protect bots

The Brawl Stars Update 2022 APK also adds a new seasonal game mode, Bot Drop. This is a PvEvP mode where you have to collect and protect bots from the enemy team and the environment. The map is divided into two halves by a river, and each team has a base on their side. Bots will spawn randomly on the map and will try to reach the nearest base. You have to collect the bots by touching them and bring them to your base to score points. However, you can also steal bots from the enemy base by destroying their gate or from the river by using bridges or boats. The team with the most points at the end of the match wins.

Quest improvements, including weekly quest re-roll

The Brawl Stars Update 2022 APK also improves the quest system, which gives you tasks to complete for rewards. You can now re-roll one of your weekly quests once per week for free, in case you don’t like the quest or find it too hard. You can also see how many quests you have left for the day and the week on the quest screen.

Improved ban-format for Power Matches

The Brawl Stars Update 2022 APK also improves the ban-format for Power Matches, which are competitive matches that require tickets to enter. You can now ban up to three brawlers per match, instead of one. This gives you more control over your strategy and prevents the enemy team from using your favorite brawlers.

Map refresher, balance changes and quality of life improvements

The Brawl Stars Update 2022 APK also refreshes some of the maps in the game, making them more balanced and fun to play. Some of the maps that have been changed are Canal Grande, Hard Rock Mine, Backyard Bowl and Hot Zone. The update also makes some balance changes to some of the brawlers, such as Edgar, Colette, Byron and Amber. You can check out the full list of balance changes on the official website or in-game. The update also brings some quality of life improvements, such as faster loading times, better UI design, bug fixes and more.

How to download and install Brawl Stars Update 2022 APK?

Download the APK file from a trusted source

If you want to play Brawl Stars Update 2022 APK on your Android device, you need to download the APK file from a trusted source. You can find many websites that offer the APK file for free, but be careful of fake or malicious links that may harm your device or steal your data. One of the best sources to download Brawl Stars Update 2022 APK is [APKPure], which is a reputable site that provides safe and verified APK files.

Enable unknown sources in your device settings</

Before you install the APK file, you need to enable unknown sources in your device settings. This will allow you to install apps from sources other than the Google Play Store. To do this, go to your device settings, then security, then toggle on the unknown sources option. You may see a warning message that says installing from unknown sources may harm your device, but don’t worry, as long as you download the APK file from a trusted source, you should be fine.

Locate and tap on the APK file to install it

Once you have downloaded the APK file and enabled unknown sources, you need to locate and tap on the APK file to install it. You can use a file manager app to find the APK file in your downloads folder or wherever you saved it. Then, tap on the APK file and follow the instructions on the screen to install it. You may need to grant some permissions to the app, such as access to your storage, camera, microphone and location.

Launch the game and enjoy the new features

After you have installed the APK file, you can launch the game and enjoy the new features of Brawl Stars Update 2022 APK. You can log in with your Supercell ID or create a new one if you don’t have one. You can also link your game progress to your Google Play account or Facebook account if you want to. Then, you can start playing the game and explore the new brawlers, modes, maps and more.

How to play Brawl Stars Update 2022 APK?

Choose your favorite game mode from Gem Grab, Showdown, Brawl Ball, Bounty, Heist, Special Events and Championship Challenge

Brawl Stars Update 2022 APK has a variety of game modes for you to choose from, each with its own rules and objectives. You can play solo or with your friends in 3v3 or 5v5 matches. Here are some of the game modes you can try:

  • Gem Grab: In this mode, you have to collect and hold 10 gems for 15 seconds to win. Gems will spawn in the center of the map every few seconds. If you die, you will drop all your gems.
  • Showdown: In this mode, you have to be the last brawler standing in a battle royale. You can play solo or duo with a partner. The map will shrink over time and force you to fight. You can also find power cubes that increase your health and damage.
  • Brawl Ball: In this mode, you have to score two goals with a soccer ball before the enemy team does. You can kick or carry the ball, but you can’t attack while holding it. If no team scores in overtime, the team with more health wins.
  • Bounty: In this mode, you have to collect stars by eliminating enemies. Each kill gives you one star, but if you die, you will lose all your stars. The team with more stars at the end of the match wins.
  • Heist: In this mode, you have to attack or defend a safe filled with valuables. The attacking team has to break open the safe before time runs out. The defending team has to prevent them from doing so.
  • Special Events: In this mode, you can play different events that rotate every few days. Some of the events are Boss Fight, where you have to defeat a giant robot boss; Robo Rumble, where you have to survive waves of robots; Big Game, where one player becomes a big brawler and others have to hunt them down; and Siege, where you have to collect bolts and build a robot that attacks the enemy base.
  • Championship Challenge: In this mode, you can compete in a series of matches with increasing difficulty and rewards. You need tickets to enter this mode, which you can get from quests or special offers. If you win 15 matches without losing three times, you will qualify for the monthly finals and have a chance to win real prizes.

Unlock and upgrade dozens of Brawlers with powerful abilities, star powers and gadgets

Brawl Stars Update 2022 APK has a lot of brawlers for you to unlock and upgrade, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. You can get new brawlers from Brawl Boxes, which you can open with gems or tokens. You can also buy some brawlers from the shop with coins or gems. You can upgrade your brawlers by collecting power points and spending coins. Upgrading your brawlers will increase their health, damage and super charge rate. You can also unlock star powers and gadgets for your brawlers, which are special abilities that enhance their performance. Star powers are passive effects that activate automatically, while gadgets are active effects that you can use once per match.

Collect unique skins to stand out and show off

Brawl Stars Update 2022 APK also has a lot of skins for you to collect and customize your brawlers. Skins are cosmetic items that change the appearance of your brawlers, but not their stats or abilities. You can get skins from Brawl Boxes, the shop, the Brawl Pass or special events. Some skins are exclusive to certain seasons or occasions, so make sure you don’t miss them. Skins can also have different rarities, such as common, rare, super rare, epic, mythic and legendary. The rarer the skin, the more expensive it is to buy or unlock.

Battle in a variety of mysterious locations within the Brawliverse

Brawl Stars Update 2022 APK also has a lot of maps for you to battle in, each with its own theme and layout. You can play in different locations within the Brawliverse, such as the Wild West, the Pirate Cove, the Dino Park, the Robot Factory and more. Each map has its own obstacles, hazards and secrets that you can use to your advantage or avoid. You can also create your own maps with the map maker feature and share them with other players.

Climb the local and regional leaderboards to prove you’re the best Brawler of them all

Brawl Stars Update 2022 APK also has a competitive aspect that lets you show off your skills and rank up. You can climb the local and regional leaderboards by winning matches and earning trophies. Trophies are points that you gain or lose depending on your performance in each match. The more trophies you have, the higher your rank will be. You can also join or create a club with other players and chat, play and compete together.

Tips and tricks for Brawl Stars Update 2022 APK

Use obstacles to your advantage for cover and ambushes

One of the most important tips for Brawl Stars Update 2022 APK is to use the obstacles on the map to your advantage. Obstacles are things like walls, bushes, barrels and crates that block your vision or movement. You can use obstacles to hide from enemy fire, sneak up on unsuspecting foes or trap them in a corner. You can also destroy some obstacles with your attacks to create new paths or expose hidden enemies.

Don’t take on tank brawlers alone, wait for backup from your teammates

Another tip for Brawl Stars Update 2022 APK is to avoid taking on tank brawlers alone, unless you have a clear advantage. Tank brawlers are brawlers that have high health and damage, but low speed and range. Some examples of tank brawlers are El Primo, Bull, Frank and Rosa. Tank brawlers can easily overpower you in close combat, so it’s better to wait for backup from your teammates or lure them into a trap.

When your team has 10 or more crystals, run away to your spawn area and defend them

A third tip for Brawl Stars Update 2022 APK is to run away to your spawn area and defend your crystals when your team has 10 or more of them in Gem Grab mode. Gem Grab is a mode where you have to collect and hold 10 gems for 15 seconds to win. Gems will spawn in the center of the map every few seconds. If you die, you will drop all your gems. Therefore, when your team has enough gems to win, it’s better to run away to your spawn area and defend them from enemy attacks until the countdown ends.

Use your super ability wisely, don’t waste it on low-value targets or when you’re low on health

A fourth tip for Brawl Stars Update 2022 APK is to use your super ability wisely, don’t waste it on low-value targets or when you’re low on health. Your super ability is a powerful attack that you can use after charging it with your normal attacks. Your super ability can turn the tide of the battle, so you should use it wisely. Don’t waste it on low-value targets, such as weak enemies or obstacles, or when you’re low on health, as you may die before you can use it effectively. Instead, save it for high-value targets, such as enemy brawlers with a lot of gems, stars or health, or when you’re in a good position to deal maximum damage or escape danger.

Experiment with different brawlers, modes and maps to find your best combination

A fifth tip for Brawl Stars Update 2022 APK is to experiment with different brawlers, modes and maps to find your best combination. Brawl Stars Update 2022 APK has a lot of variety and diversity, so you should try out different things and see what works best for you. Some brawlers may be better suited for certain modes or maps than others, and some modes or maps may be more fun or challenging than others. You can also learn from other players by watching replays or joining friendly matches.


Brawl Stars Update 2022 APK is a great update that brings a lot of new and exciting features to the game. You can enjoy the new brawlers, modes, maps and more by downloading and installing the APK file on your Android device. You can also improve your skills and rank up by following the tips and tricks we shared in this article. Brawl Stars Update 2022 APK is a game that you can play for hours and never get bored, so what are you waiting for? Download it now and join the brawl!


Here are some of the frequently asked questions about Brawl Stars Update 2022 APK:

  • Q: Is Brawl Stars Update 2022 APK safe to download and install?
  • A: Yes, as long as you download the APK file from a trusted source, such as [APKPure], and enable unknown sources in your device settings, you should be safe from any harm or data theft.
  • Q: Do I need to uninstall the previous version of Brawl Stars before installing Brawl Stars Update 2022 APK?
  • A: No, you don’t need to uninstall the previous version of Brawl Stars before installing Brawl Stars Update 2022 APK. The APK file will overwrite the existing app and update it to the latest version.
  • Q: Can I play Brawl Stars Update 2022 APK with my friends who have the original version of Brawl Stars?
  • A: Yes, you can play Brawl Stars Update 2022 APK with your friends who have the original version of Brawl Stars, as long as they have updated their app to the latest version as well. You can also play with players from other regions and platforms.
  • Q: How can I get more gems, coins and other rewards in Brawl Stars Update 2022 APK?
  • A: You can get more gems, coins and other rewards in Brawl Stars Update 2022 APK by playing the game and completing quests. You can also buy them with real money from the shop or special offers. However, we don’t recommend spending real money on the game, as it may ruin your fun and experience.
  • Q: What are some of the best brawlers to use in Brawl Stars Update 2022 APK?
  • A: There is no definitive answer to this question, as different brawlers may have different strengths and weaknesses depending on the mode, map and situation. However, some of the brawlers that are generally considered to be strong and versatile are Colt, Nita, Brock, Jessie, Penny, Pam, Tara, Gene, Spike and Leon.


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