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Brotato Mod Elemento Download VERIFIED

July 8, 2023


How to Download and Install the Brotato Mod Elemento

If you are a fan of Brotato, a top-down arena shooter roguelite where you play as a potato wielding up to 6 weapons at a time to fight off hordes of aliens, you might be interested in trying out some mods that add new content or change the game in various ways. One of these mods is Elemento, a mod that focuses on elemental weapons and characters that have benefits from using the elemental damage stat.

Elemento adds 9 new characters and 20 new weapons to Brotato, each with their own unique abilities and effects. You can use fire, ice, lightning, earth, wind, water, light, dark, or chaos elements to deal extra damage, inflict status effects, or trigger special effects. You can also mix and match different elements to create powerful combinations and synergies.

To download and install Elemento, you need to visit its Steam Workshop page and click on the Subscribe button. This will automatically download the mod files to your computer. Then, you need to launch Brotato and go to Options > Mods. There, you will see a list of all your subscribed mods. You need to enable Elemento by clicking on its checkbox.

However, before you do that, you also need to install another mod called Brotato ModLoader . This is a mod that allows other mods to work properly with Brotato. To install ModLoader, you need to download its PCK file from its GitHub page and replace the original BrotatoDemo.pck file in your game folder with it. You can find your game folder by right-clicking on Brotato in your Steam library, going to Properties > Local Files > Browse.

Once you have installed both Elemento and ModLoader, you are ready to enjoy this amazing mod. Here are some screenshots of what you can expect from it:

A screenshot of Elemento showing a character using a fire weapon
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Features of the Brotato Mod Elemento

Now that you have installed Elemento, you might be wondering what it has to offer. Well, let me tell you, this mod is packed with features that will spice up your Brotato gameplay. Here are some of the main features of Elemento:

New Characters

Elemento adds 9 new characters to Brotato, each with their own unique abilities and perks related to elemental damage. You can unlock them by completing certain challenges or by finding them in the game. Here are the new characters and their abilities:

Name Ability Perk
Flame Shoots a fireball that explodes on impact and sets enemies on fire. Fire weapons deal 25% more damage and have a 50% chance to ignite enemies.
Frost Shoots an ice shard that pierces enemies and slows them down. Ice weapons deal 25% more damage and have a 50% chance to freeze enemies.
Volt Shoots a lightning bolt that chains to nearby enemies and stuns them. Lightning weapons deal 25% more damage and have a 50% chance to shock enemies.
Rock Shoots a rock that bounces off walls and enemies and deals high damage. Earth weapons deal 25% more damage and have a 50% chance to knockback enemies.
Air Shoots a gust of wind that pushes enemies away and deals low damage. Wind weapons deal 25% more damage and have a 50% chance to confuse enemies.
Aqua Shoots a water jet that splashes on impact and deals moderate damage. Water weapons deal 25% more damage and have a 50% chance to wet enemies.
Luna Shoots a beam of light that heals allies and damages enemies. Light weapons deal 25% more damage and have a 50% chance to blind enemies.
Nox Shoots a ball of darkness that deals high damage but also hurts the user. Dark weapons deal 25% more damage and have a 50% chance to curse enemies.
Eris Shoots a random element every time. The element changes every shot. All elemental weapons deal 10% more damage and have a 10% chance to apply their effect.

New Weapons

Elemento also adds 20 new weapons to Brotato, each with their own elemental effect and stats. You can find them in chests, shops, or as drops from enemies. Here are the new weapons and their effects:

Name Element Effect Stats
Flamethrower Fire Sprays fire that ignites enemies and deals damage over time. Damage: 2, Fire Rate: 0.1, Ammo: 100, Reload: 2
Freezer Ice Shoots ice crystals that freeze enemies and deal extra damage to frozen enemies. Damage: 4, Fire Rate: 0.2, Ammo: 50, Reload: 1.5
Tesla Coil Lightning Zaps enemies with electricity that shocks them and chains to nearby enemies. Damage: 3, Fire Rate: 0.15, Ammo: 60, Reload: 1.8
Boulder Launcher Earth Fires large rocks that deal high damage and knockback enemies. Damage: 8, Fire Rate: 0.5, Ammo: 20, Reload: 2.5
Fan Blade Wind Throws spinning blades that deal low damage but confuse enemies. Damage: 1, Fire Rate: 0.1, Ammo: 100, Reload: 2
Water Gun Water Squirts water that wets enemies and deals extra damage to wet enemies. Damage: 3, Fire Rate: 0.2, Ammo: 50, Reload: 1.5
Laser Rifle Light</td

Fires a beam of light that heals allies and damages enemies.</td

Damage: 4, Fire Rate: 0.25, Ammo: 40, Reload: 2
Dark Matter Dark Shoots a ball of darkness that deals high damage but also hurts the user. Damage: 10, Fire Rate: 0.5, Ammo: 20, Reload: 2.5
Elemental Blaster Random Shoots a random element every time. The element changes every shot. Damage: 5, Fire Rate: 0.2, Ammo: 50, Reload: 1.5
Fireworks Fire Launches a rocket that explodes into multiple fireballs. Damage: 6, Fire Rate: 0.8, Ammo: 15, Reload: 3
Snowball Cannon Ice Fires a snowball that splits into smaller snowballs on impact. Damage: 4, Fire Rate: 0.6, Ammo: 25, Reload: 2.2
Railgun Lightning</td

Fires a powerful electric projectile that pierces enemies and walls.</td

Damage: 12, Fire Rate: 1, Ammo: 10, Reload: 3.5
Earthquake Earth Causes a tremor that damages and stuns all enemies on the ground. Damage: 8, Fire Rate: 1.2, Ammo: 10, Reload: 3.5
Tornado Wind Creates a whirlwind that sucks in enemies and deals damage over time. Damage: 2, Fire Rate: 0.8, Ammo: 15, Reload: 3
Bubble Blower Water Blows bubbles that float in the air and pop on contact with enemies. Damage: 3, Fire Rate: 0.2, Ammo: 50, Reload: 1.5
Solar Flare Light</td

Fires a burst of light that blinds enemies and deals high damage.</td

Damage: 8, Fire Rate: 0.4, Ammo: 30, Reload: 2
Soul Eater Dark</td

Absorbs the souls of enemies and heals the user for a percentage of their health.</td

Damage: 6, Fire Rate: 0.6, Ammo: 25, Reload: 2.2
Chaos Gun Random Shoots a random effect every time. The effect changes every shot. Damage: 5, Fire Rate: 0.2, Ammo: 50, Reload: 1.5

Elemental Damage

One of the main features of Elemento is the elemental damage system. Each weapon has an element associated with it, and each element has a different effect on enemies and items. Elemental damage can also be increased by using certain items or characters that boost the elemental damage stat.

Here are the effects of each element:

  • Fire: Ignites enemies and deals damage over time. Fire damage is increased by 50% on wet enemies.
  • Ice: Freezes enemies and prevents them from moving or attacking. Ice damage is increased by 50% on frozen enemies.
  • Lightning: Shocks enemies and stuns them for a short duration. Lightning damage is increased by 50% on shocked enemies.
  • Earth: Knocks back enemies and deals high damage. Earth damage is increased by 50% on grounded enemies.
  • Wind: Confuses enemies and makes them move and attack randomly. Wind damage is increased by 50% on confused enemies.
  • Water: Wets enemies and reduces their fire resistance. Water damage is increased by 50% on wet enemies.
  • Light: Blinds enemies and reduces their accuracy. Light damage is increased by 50% on blinded enemies.
  • Dark: Curses enemies and makes them take more damage from all sources. Dark damage is increased by 50% on cursed enemies.
  • Random: Applies a random effect from the above elements. Random damage is increased by 10% on any affected enemy.

Elemental damage can also interact with different items in the game, such as barrels, crates, or power-ups. For example, fire can explode barrels, ice can freeze crates, lightning can charge power-ups, etc. Experiment with different elements to see what happens!

Best Synergies and Combos

One of the most fun aspects of Elemento is creating awesome synergies and combos with the new weapons and characters. You can mix and match different elements to create powerful effects that can wipe out enemies in seconds. Here are some of the best synergies and combos that you can try out:

  • Fire + Ice: Use fire weapons to ignite enemies and then use ice weapons to freeze them. This will deal extra damage to both wet and frozen enemies, as well as prevent them from moving or attacking.
  • Lightning + Water: Use water weapons to wet enemies and then use lightning weapons to shock them. This will deal extra damage to both wet and shocked enemies, as well as stun them for a short duration.
  • Earth + Wind: Use wind weapons to confuse enemies and then use earth weapons to knock them back. This will deal extra damage to both confused and grounded enemies, as well as push them away from you.
  • Light + Dark: Use light weapons to blind enemies and then use dark weapons to curse them. This will deal extra damage to both blinded and cursed enemies, as well as reduce their accuracy and increase their damage taken.
  • Random + Random: Use random weapons or characters to apply a random effect every time. This will deal extra damage to any affected enemy, as well as create unpredictable and chaotic situations.

These are just some examples of the possible synergies and combos that you can create with Elemento. There are many more combinations that you can discover by experimenting with different weapons and characters. Have fun finding your own favorite ones!

Tips and Tricks

To help you get the most out of Elemento, here are some tips and tricks that you can use:

  • Pay attention to the elemental icons on the top right corner of the screen. They show you what element your current weapon is, as well as what element the next weapon in your rotation is.
  • Use the Q key to switch between your weapons. You can also use the mouse wheel or the number keys to select a specific weapon.
  • Use the E key to activate your character’s ability. Each ability has a cooldown that varies depending on the character.
  • Use the R key to reload your weapon. You can also reload automatically when you run out of ammo, but this will take longer than manually reloading.
  • Use the F key to interact with objects in the game, such as chests, shops, doors, etc.
  • Use the spacebar to dodge roll. You can avoid enemy attacks and projectiles by rolling in any direction.
  • Pick up items that boost your elemental damage stat. This will increase the damage and effect chance of all your elemental weapons.
  • Pick up items that boost your elemental resistance stat. This will reduce the damage and effect chance of all enemy elemental attacks.
  • Pick up items that have elemental effects themselves. For example, a fire grenade will explode into fireballs, an ice shield will freeze enemies that hit you, a lightning ring will zap nearby enemies, etc.
  • Avoid items that have negative effects on your elemental damage or resistance. For example, a fire extinguisher will reduce your fire damage, an ice cube will reduce your ice resistance, a rubber glove will reduce your lightning damage, etc.

Review of the Brotato Mod Elemento

After playing with Elemento for a while, I can say that it is one of the best mods for Brotato that I have ever tried. It adds so much variety and fun to the game, and it is very well-made and balanced. Here is my overall rating of the mod based on its quality, creativity, balance, and fun factor:

Quality Creativity Balance Fun Factor
5/5 5/5 4/5 5/5

Here are some of the pros and cons of the mod:

  • Pros:
  • It adds a lot of new content and features to Brotato, such as new characters, weapons, items, and effects.
  • It introduces a new elemental damage system that adds more depth and strategy to the game.
  • It is very creative and original, and it fits well with the theme and style of Brotato.
  • It is very fun and enjoyable to play with, and it offers a lot of replay value and challenge.
  • Cons:
  • It can be a bit overwhelming and confusing at first, especially for new players who are not familiar with Brotato or Elemento.
  • It can be a bit unbalanced at times, as some elements or combinations are more powerful or useful than others.
  • It can cause some performance issues or bugs, especially if used with other mods or on older computers.

To compare it with other mods for Brotato, I would say that Elemento is one of the most comprehensive and polished mods that I have seen. It adds more content and features than most other mods, and it does so in a very creative and original way. It is similar to other mods that add new weapons or characters, such as Gunpowder or Heroes , but it goes beyond that by adding a whole new elemental damage system that changes the way you play the game. It is also similar to other mods that add new effects or mechanics, such as Bloodlust or Gravity , but it does so in a more consistent and balanced way.

I would recommend Elemento to anyone who enjoys Brotato and wants more variety and challenge in their gameplay. It is a mod that will keep you entertained and engaged for hours, and it will make you appreciate the game even more. It is also a mod that will make you think and experiment with different elements and combinations, and it will reward you with satisfying results.

If you have any feedback or suggestions for improvement for Elemento, you can leave them in the comments section of the Steam Workshop page or contact the mod creator directly. They are always open to hear from their fans and improve their mod.


In conclusion, Elemento is a fantastic mod for Brotato that adds a lot of new content and features related to elemental weapons and characters. It introduces a new elemental damage system that adds more depth and strategy to the game, as well as more fun and enjoyment. It is a very creative and original mod that fits well with the theme and style of Brotato, and it is very well-made and balanced. It is one of the best mods for Brotato that I have ever tried, and I highly recommend it to anyone who loves Brotato.

Thank you for reading this article about Elemento. I hope you found it informative and helpful. If you want to try out this amazing mod for yourself, you can download it from its Steam Workshop page and follow the instructions on how to install it. You will not regret it!

If you want to learn more about Brotato and Elemento, you can check out these links:

  • [Brotato Official Website]
  • [Brotato Steam Page]
  • [Brotato ModLoader GitHub Page]
  • [Brotato Discord Server]
  • [Brotato Reddit Community]


  • What are some other mods for Brotato that I can try?
  • There are many other mods for Brotato that you can try out on the Steam Workshop. Some of them are:


    • Gunpowder: A mod that adds 20 new guns and 10 new items to Brotato, each with their own unique effects and stats. You can find them in chests, shops, or as drops from enemies.
    • Heroes: A mod that adds 10 new characters to Brotato, each with their own unique abilities and perks. You can unlock them by completing certain challenges or by finding them in the game.
    • Bloodlust: A mod that adds a new mechanic to Brotato, where you can gain health by killing enemies. However, you also lose health over time, so you have to keep killing to survive.
    • Gravity: A mod that adds a new mechanic to Brotato, where you can manipulate the gravity of the arena. You can make it higher or lower, or even reverse it, to create different effects on enemies and items.
  • How can I create my own mods for Brotato?
  • If you want to create your own mods for Brotato, you need to use a program called Godot Engine , which is a free and open source game development tool. You also need to download the Brotato ModKit , which is a set of files and instructions that will help you create and test your mods. You can find more information and tutorials on how to use Godot and the ModKit on the Brotato Discord Server or the Brotato Reddit Community .

  • How can I support the developers of Brotato and Elemento?
  • If you want to support the developers of Brotato and Elemento, you can do so by buying the game on Steam , leaving a positive review or rating, sharing the game with your friends, or donating to their Patreon . You can also follow them on social media, such as Twitter or YouTube , to stay updated on their latest news and updates.

  • How can I join the Brotato community and interact with other players?
  • If you want to join the Brotato community and interact with other players, you can do so by joining the Brotato Discord Server or the Brotato Reddit Community . There, you can chat with other fans, share your screenshots or videos, ask for help or tips, give feedback or suggestions, or participate in events or contests.

  • How can I contact Bing if I have any questions or feedback?
  • If you want to contact Bing, you can do so by sending me a message through this chat mode. I will be happy to answer your questions or hear your feedback. You can also visit my website or follow me on Twitter to learn more about me and my services.


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