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Eresse Shield Mate Epub Bud 🎮

July 10, 2023

Shield Mate: A Steamy Fantasy Romance You Can’t Miss

If you are looking for a captivating and sensual fantasy romance, you should check out Shield Mate by Eresse. This is the seventh book in the Chronicles of Ylandre series, but it can be read as a standalone. Shield Mate tells the story of Ranael Mesare and Vaeren Henaz, two warriors from different backgrounds who fall in love despite the obstacles and prejudices they face.

Who are Ranael and Vaeren?

Ranael is a scion of Ylandre’s most powerful House, a royal-blooded aristocrat and a military officer. He has always followed the traditions and expectations of his position, until he meets Vaeren, a low-born soldier who catches his eye and his heart.

Vaeren is an illegitimate orphan who has fought his way up the ranks of Ylandre’s army. He has endured neglect, abuse and discrimination, but he never let anyone stop him from achieving his goals. He is not interested in Ranael’s wealth or status, but he can’t deny the attraction he feels for him.

What challenges do they face?

Ranael and Vaeren live in a dual-gendered realm, where everyone can conceive and bear children. However, there are strict social norms and conventions that govern life and love in Ylandre. Ranael is expected to bed or wed someone of his own class and lineage, while Vaeren is seen as unworthy of Ranael’s attention and affection.

They also have to deal with personal vendettas, military conflicts and political intrigues that threaten their relationship and their lives. They have to overcome their own fears and insecurities, as well as the prejudices and hostility of others. They have to prove that their love is stronger than any obstacle or opposition.

How can you read Shield Mate?

Shield Mate is available as an ebook in epub format. You can download it from various online platforms, such as OverDrive, bü, and BooksVooks. You can also read it on your smartphone, tablet, or computer using an epub reader app. Shield Mate is a standalone book, but you can also enjoy the other books in the Chronicles of Ylandre series by Eresse.

What are the benefits of reading Shield Mate?

Reading Shield Mate can offer you many benefits, such as:

  • Entertainment: Shield Mate is a captivating and sensual fantasy romance that will keep you hooked from the first page to the last. You will enjoy the thrilling plot, the vivid world-building, and the steamy scenes between Ranael and Vaeren.
  • Education: Shield Mate can teach you about the dual-gendered realm of Ylandre, where everyone can conceive and bear children. You will learn about the culture, history, and politics of this fascinating world, as well as the challenges and joys of being different.
  • Empathy: Shield Mate can help you empathize with Ranael and Vaeren, who face many obstacles and prejudices because of their love. You will understand their feelings, struggles, and hopes, and root for them to overcome their difficulties and find their happiness.

What are the reviews of Shield Mate?

Shield Mate has received many positive reviews from readers and critics alike. Here are some of the comments that people have made about the book:

“Shield Mate is a wonderful addition to the Chronicles of Ylandre series. Eresse has created a rich and complex world with characters that you can’t help but love. Ranael and Vaeren are perfect for each other, and their journey is full of passion, drama, and emotion. I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves fantasy romance.” – Amazon reviewer

“I loved Shield Mate so much. It was a beautiful story of love overcoming all odds. Ranael and Vaeren are both strong and brave, but also vulnerable and sweet. They have amazing chemistry and their scenes are hot and tender. Eresse has a way with words that makes you feel everything they feel. This is one of my favorite books in the series.” – Goodreads reviewer

“Shield Mate is a masterpiece of fantasy romance. Eresse has crafted a stunning world with intricate details and fascinating lore. Ranael and Vaeren are both complex and likable characters who face many challenges and grow together. Their romance is realistic and touching, and their love scenes are sizzling and sensual. This is a book that will stay with you long after you finish it.” – BookBub reviewer


Shield Mate is a must-read for fans of fantasy romance. It is a captivating and sensual story of two warriors who find love in a dual-gendered realm. It is a standalone book, but you can also enjoy the other books in the Chronicles of Ylandre series by Eresse. You can download Shield Mate in epub format from various online platforms, or read it on your device using an epub reader app. Shield Mate will entertain you, educate you, and empathize with you. Don’t miss this amazing book by Eresse.

Who is Eresse?

Eresse is the author of Shield Mate and the Chronicles of Ylandre series. She is a romance writer who specializes in fantasy and paranormal genres. She has a passion for creating complex and diverse worlds with dual-gendered characters. She has been writing since she was a child, and she has published several books and novellas. She lives in Southeast Asia with her family and pets.

What is the Chronicles of Ylandre series?

The Chronicles of Ylandre is a fantasy romance series by Eresse that follows the lives and loves of the people of Ylandre, a dual-gendered realm where everyone can conceive and bear children. The series explores the culture, history, and politics of Ylandre, as well as the challenges and joys of being different. The series consists of eight books so far, each featuring a different couple as the main protagonists. The books are:

  1. Sacred Fate
  2. Hallowed Bond
  3. By Chance Met
  4. In Fine Form
  5. Of Dreams and Ceremonies
  6. Under One Sky
  7. Shield Mate
  8. Heartstrings

The books can be read as standalones, but they are also connected by recurring characters and events. The books are full of passion, drama, and emotion, as well as action, adventure, and intrigue. They are suitable for mature readers who enjoy fantasy romance with dual-gendered characters.

How to download Shield Mate epub bud for free?

If you want to read Shield Mate by Eresse in epub format for free, you have a few options. You can borrow it from your local library using the OverDrive app, which allows you to access ebooks and audiobooks from thousands of libraries around the world. You can also look for free or discounted ebooks on websites like BookBub, which offers daily deals on best-selling and indie books. You can also join online book clubs or forums where you can exchange ebooks with other readers. However, you should be careful of illegal or pirated downloads, as they may contain viruses or malware that can harm your device or compromise your privacy.

Why you should read Shield Mate by Eresse?

Shield Mate by Eresse is a book that you should not miss if you love fantasy romance. It is a captivating and sensual story of two warriors who find love in a dual-gendered realm. It is a standalone book, but you can also enjoy the other books in the Chronicles of Ylandre series by Eresse. Shield Mate will entertain you, educate you, and empathize with you. It will make you laugh, cry, and swoon. It will transport you to a rich and complex world with characters that you will fall in love with. It will leave you satisfied and wanting more. Don’t miss this amazing book by Eresse.

What are some other books like Shield Mate by Eresse?

If you enjoyed Shield Mate by Eresse, you might also like some other books that are similar in genre, theme, or style. Here are some recommendations for you:

  • The Captive Prince trilogy by C.S. Pacat: A fantasy romance series that follows the relationship between two princes from rival kingdoms who are forced to work together to survive and overthrow a tyrant.
  • The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller: A historical fantasy novel that retells the story of Achilles and Patroclus, two warriors who fall in love during the Trojan War.
  • The Magpie Lord by K.J. Charles: A historical fantasy romance novel that features a lord who is cursed by a mysterious force and a magician who is hired to help him.
  • The Last Herald-Mage trilogy by Mercedes Lackey: A fantasy romance series that follows the life and love of Vanyel, a powerful mage who protects his kingdom from evil forces.
  • The Binding by Bridget Collins: A historical fantasy novel that explores a world where people can erase their memories by binding them into books.

How to contact Eresse?

If you want to contact Eresse, the author of Shield Mate and the Chronicles of Ylandre series, you can do so through her social media accounts or her email address. You can follow her on Twitter (@EresseAuthor), Facebook (Eresse Author), and Goodreads (Eressë). You can also email her at She loves to hear from her readers and fans, so feel free to send her your feedback, questions, or comments. You can also visit her website ( to learn more about her and her books.

How to write a review for Shield Mate by Eresse?

If you have read Shield Mate by Eresse and you want to share your opinion with other readers, you can write a review for the book. A review is a personal and subjective evaluation of a book that expresses your thoughts and feelings about it. Here are some tips on how to write a good review for Shield Mate by Eresse:

  • Start with a brief summary of the book. Give an overview of the main characters, the plot, and the setting. Don’t reveal any spoilers or major twists.
  • State your opinion of the book. Explain what you liked and disliked about it. Give examples from the book to support your points. Be honest and respectful.
  • Rate the book. You can use a star system, a number scale, or a word rating. Explain why you gave the book that rating.
  • Recommend the book. Tell who would enjoy reading the book and why. You can also compare it to other books in the same genre or by the same author.
  • End with a catchy phrase or a question. You can use a quote from the book, a rhetorical question, or a call to action.

An example of a review for Shield Mate by Eresse

Here is an example of how a review for Shield Mate by Eresse might look like:

Shield Mate by Eresse is a captivating and sensual fantasy romance that tells the story of Ranael and Vaeren, two warriors from different backgrounds who fall in love in a dual-gendered realm. Ranael is a royal-blooded aristocrat who is expected to follow the traditions and expectations of his position, while Vaeren is a low-born soldier who has fought his way up the ranks of the army. They face many obstacles and prejudices because of their love, but they also find support and happiness in each other.

I loved this book so much. It was well-written, engaging, and emotional. The characters were complex and likable, and their romance was realistic and touching. The world-building was rich and detailed, and the plot was thrilling and intriguing. The dual-gendered aspect was fascinating and unique, and it added depth and diversity to the story. The love scenes were hot and tender, and they showed the passion and connection between Ranael and Vaeren.

I would give this book five stars out of five. It was one of the best fantasy romance books I have ever read. It had everything I look for in a good book: romance, drama, action, adventure, humor, and emotion. It made me laugh, cry, and swoon. It transported me to a different world with characters that I fell in love with. It left me satisfied and wanting more.

I would recommend this book to anyone who loves fantasy romance with dual-gendered characters. It is a standalone book, but you can also enjoy the other books in the Chronicles of Ylandre series by Eresse. Shield Mate will entertain you, educate you, and empathize with you. Don’t miss this amazing book by Eresse.

“The respect of many pales beside the regard of one who matters above all else.” – Shield Mate by Eresse


Shield Mate by Eresse is a captivating and sensual fantasy romance that you should not miss. It is a standalone book, but you can also enjoy the other books in the Chronicles of Ylandre series by Eresse. You can download Shield Mate in epub format from various online platforms, or read it on your device using an epub reader app. Shield Mate will entertain you, educate you, and empathize with you. It will make you laugh, cry, and swoon. It will transport you to a rich and complex world with characters that you will fall in love with. It will leave you satisfied and wanting more. Don’t miss this amazing book by Eresse.×86%20×[


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