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Film History An Introduction 3rd Edition Pdf [PATCHED] 📤

December 26, 2022

Film History An Introduction 3rd Edition Pdf [PATCHED] 📤


Film History An Introduction 3rd Edition Pdf

When one movie may play several thousand times, and may be seen by a million viewers in any given year, numerical data become a valuable part of the argument, and the examples we give of the distribution of each movie’s reruns highlight that statistics matter in film history. In Chapter 18, for example, we complete our 360-degree view of American cinema by looking at the huge numbers of horror movies that entered production in the 1960s, only to be officially abandoned later in favor of other movies.

Moreover, the important role of women’s films and movies about women was dramatically under-researched. One area that we hope will improve over time is the development of greater sensitivity to the cultural and political context in which these films were made, and the ways in which gender roles and relations are contested or reinforced in these films. It’s not simply a matter of the surface level criticism, but of uncovering more deeply the ideology in the text.

The third version of this textbook includes an extensive, and much appreciated, chapter on auteur theory, and a significantly expanded discussion of the specific issues of gender, race, and other social identities that have become more evident in our culture in recent years. The auteur chapter, by course editor Margaret Sheridan, offers a useful overview of the history of the concept, and the history of auteur theory since its first appearance in the middle of the 1960s.

In the global film context we also added a new chapter on globalization and the international film industry. (It’s meant to do two things: to help students understand how the international film industry has changed in the last three decades; and to ground their understanding of film in the political and economic context into which it is being produced, distributed, and consumed. Thus it “changes our world.”)

It is refreshing to see film studies integrated with the obviously broader context of the many media industries and the larger social and economic conditions that are shaping our lives. This is one of the most exciting developments in film studies in the past few years, and the chapters in this text reflect that.


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