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Metal Extremo : 30 De Oscuridad

November 19, 2022


Metal Extremo : 30 De Oscuridad

i hope the fans will love this album, because it’s metal with a difference. i’ve always wanted to do something new. i wanted to do something with my guitar, and that’s what i’ve done. i’ll say that at the moment the album has been recorded we’ve been focused on the composition, on the music and on the lyrics. i mean that the songs of unholy requiem are already finished, but the vocals are still being recorded. in this album the lyrics are a lot more mature than in the past. they were very aggressive, even sociopathic. they contained a lot of hate, a lot of bad words, a lot of violence, all the negative things you can think of. but this time the lyrics are a lot more clear, or at least i think so. this time we’ve done it with more respect for the fans, because we want them to like the songs. we want them to understand that this is a metal album, but it’s not a metal album only. we’ve tried to do something different, and we’ve done it. we’ve made an album like we all wanted. we’ve done it for ourselves, because we want to show that we’ve grown. this album is metal, but it’s also completely different from any other album we’ve done in the past. and we’ve done it. i think we’re satisfied with this album. i hope the fans will like it.

metal is a great religion, because it’s uncompromising. it’s not something you can do when you feel like it. you have to be really into it. when you feel like it, you can listen to some other kind of music, but you can’t do metal. metal has no side. it’s a religion, but it’s not a religion that has to be practiced. it’s a religion that one can follow without practicing, because metal is based on respect. music must be respected, and that’s why we do it.

i think that metallerium has always been a band that takes the middle ground and that is not so technical. sermon of mockery was one of the first albums that crossed the fence and from this album we can see a change in the style in the band, but in pyrexia we can see the band making new albums that take more technical elements and we are still on the middle ground
metallerium: talking about pyrexia and the changes in the band. this band shows a huge amount of talent since the day they were founded. as if this band was in another dimension and the other bands were just born yesterday. tell me about this evolution since sermon of mockery (1993) to gravitas maximus (2018). at the beginning the band was a brutal death metal with their second album sermon of mockery. at the beginning the band played only brutal parts, but sermon of mockery is a very good album. after this album, did you think about the direction of the band and how they will evolve for the future?
metallerium: when the band recorded the first album, sermon of mockery, they already knew where they were going and they wanted to go in this direction. the songwriting process was really intense and intense. to write a song i would spend many hours just listening to different kinds of music. i think that’s how we got to be a band with such a good idea of how to write a song and record it in such a short time. at the beginning i spent days and days in the studio and i only had time to listen to a song like 20 minutes. now, we spent days and days in the studio and after every song the process is really very intense. after this album we continued to grow and evolved. now the band plays only extreme stuff and we are more technical. i think this is a good thing for the band because we have more time for the other things.

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