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August 30, 2022




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University of Southern California

The 2006 Presidential event was a great success. The driest year in the memory of most of the people there, though, was just too much for the East Campus grass where the “ring” was to be run from. By the end of the run, the fine white grass was so parched that it crackled under foot and occasionally broken up. The run itself produced a beautiful wide turn that gently led through the exposed and beautiful grasslands.

Although the beauty of the day was enhanced by everything from rainbows to dramatic lighting effects, the weather did prove to be the story of this event. On a sunny day this would have been a great event, but the cold and windy day made it much, much more exciting.

The public, dog owners, and volunteers alike all had a great time. They all looked forward to the finish line, and the feeling of being united in a common cause.

Perhaps, even more importantly than the event itself, was the feeling of community that developed. When we think of March, we think of Spring. At Bulldog, we were reminded that we are also truly a part of the Fall season. The sense of community that we created is just one of the things that USC’s University President Rick Mabey said during his welcome: “We can expect to have people who know each other when they walk into a building, but that means nothing if we don’t know them. We can even count on each other to get along when there’s a love. It’s in our DNA to be together in a community with a lot of love. It’s part of what we do. It’s what we really are. We can be different, and we can be alone, but together we are a family.”Shigella flexneri Yuc: identification of a novel determinant involved in phagocytosis of Escherichia coli K1.
Using a novel mutagenesis approach, we previously showed that mutations in the plasmid-encoded virulence locus yuc cause

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