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The Settlers 7 112 No Cd 55

December 26, 2022

The Settlers 7 112 No Cd 55



The Settlers 7 112 No Cd 55

In The Settlers, a new settler belongs to a family group; as there can be only one population cap per game, the player cannot have more than one present population cap at any given time. In its sequel, The Settlers II, the player retains the same family group as a settler, but the capital population of that settler expands correspondingly to that of the country; each settlement’s population is capped by the same system as the country.[48] In Rise of an Empire, the settler’s family group is replaced by a “pack”, the goal of which is to serve the family of the settler in some capacity; however, as revealed at the game’s E3 2007 demo, the game allows the player to move alongside the pack.[49] In Heritage of Kings, the player can team up with a number of residents who wish to move to an unexploited area.[50]

Starting out with amassing of coins and lumber, players in The Settlers 2 and Rise of an Empire use those resources to buy or create settlements and build structures.[13][19] Structures are buildings used to house settlers, and they are represented on the game map.[51] In The Settlers, The Settlers II, and Rise of an Empire, the player can always transport goods from a warehouse to a settlement, or sell it in a shop, for free.[52][52][53] In The Settlers and The Settlers II, a victory point system was introduced. One point is gained for every settler a player has, and up to 10 points can be simultaneously earned.[54][55] An overtime system was added in The Settlers II. The player only receives one point per second, but at the end of 8 minutes, the overtime clock may be activated, and one point per second is awarded for the next 8 minutes.[54] In Heritage of Kings, up to five points are earned for each settler the player has, as well as three points for every villager.[56]

In The Settlers II, The Settlers, Rise of an Empire, Heritage of Kings, and Paths to a Kingdom, the player occupies their settlements by building and expanding structures in the settlement’s section of the game map.


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